Өнөөдөр “Токио-2020” олимпийн наадамд оролцох Монголын баг тамирчдын эхний ээлж буюу бокс, 3х3 сагсан бөмбөгийн баг тамирчид Япон улсыг зорив.
“Токио-2020” зуны XXXII олимпын наадмын нээлтийн ёслол 7 дугаар сарын 23-нд болох бөгөөд тэмцээнүүд 7 дугаар сарын 21-ний өдөр хөл бөмбөг, бэйсбол, гимнастикийн төрлөөр эхэлнэ. Харин бокс болон 3х3 сагсан бөмбөгийн тэмцээн 7 дугаар 24-ний өдөр эхлэх хуваарьтай.
Боксын тамирчдын хувьд 7 дугаар сарын 22-ны өдрийг хүртэл Шизүока мужийн Шимада хотод бэлтгэлээ базаах юм.
Монголын багийн эхний ээлжийн бүрэлдэхүүнд Монголын спортын сэтгүүлчдийн холбооны Удирдах зөвлөлийн гишүүн, Монгол Улсын Соёлын гавьяат зүтгэлтэн, гэрэл зурагчин Ч.Ганбат, Спортын сэтгүүлч Д.Лхагва-Очир нар Токиог зорилоо.
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These are the first brushes to pick up when you’re building your beginner kit. They’ll get the most basic makeup jobs done. From there, you can branch out depending on the effects you’re going for. Ask Brittany Whitfield to explain why KVD’s powder brush is a good investment and she’ll put it plainly: “If you need one brush for everything, she’s your girl.” Whitfield adds that the brush is amazing for cream products, and “applies incredibly well in all of the beautiful crevices of the face better than any sponge or flat foundation brush ever could.” Hey nivedita….Loved your post!I have been thinkin of gettin few makeup brushes for myself, this weekend….Yay yay….now I know what I have to grab….Also expectin a post on kinds of hair brushes…best ones etc etc….Thanku thanku….u r a sweetheart !
Remember how I said that one of the weaknesses of Fairydrops Scandal Queen Platinum Waterproof Mascara is that it can get clumpy once the tube’s been in use for a while or when I pile on several coats of product? I do not like clumpy lashes or the spiderlegs look. Some people swear by metal eyelash combs to separate and de-clump their lashes, but I haven’t yet found an eyelash comb that works well for me, in part because I have an unfortunate tendency to stab myself in the eyeballs with eyelash tools and metal eyelash combs don’t play well with eyeballs. “I think the consumer needs to determine if they desire true regrowth or just conditioning and pick ingredients accordingly,” says New York-based dermatologist Dr. Sejal Shah. “Serums that do not contain bimatoprost and isopropyl cloprostenate or a comparable prostaglandin are more lash conditioners, which likely make lashes look fuller or longer by hydrating them but don’t truly stimulate growth.”