Оны эхний хагас жилийн байдлаар долоон тэрбум орчим төгрөгийн зайрмаг импортолсон гэсэн мэдээ байна. Засгийн газар хоёр жилийн өмнө зайрмагны импортын татвар таван хувь байсныг 15 хувь болгон нэмэгдүүлж байсан юм. Ийм зохицуулалт хийсэн ч импортын тоо хэмжээ өсөлттэй байгаа аж. Дотоодын үйлдвэрлэгчдийг хамгаалах зохицуулалт болсон аж. Одоогоор “Тэсо” группийн “Айсмарк” компани, “Сүү” ХК, “Batos”, “Хаан сүү”, “Итали зайрмаг” компаниуд зайрмагны үйлдвэрлэл эрхэлж байна. Мөн жижиг дунд үйлдвэрлэлийн түвшинд хөдөө орон нутагт зайрмагны цехүүд ажиллаж буй. “Тэсо” группийн “Айсмарк” зайрмагны үйлдвэр 30 гаруй төрлийн зайрмагийг ОХУ-ын технологиор үйлдвэрлэн зах зээлд нийлүүлж байгаа юм байна. Тэд дотоодын зах зээлийн 47 хувийг хангадаг гэж мэдээлдэг юм. Харин “Сүү” ХК цагт 6000-7000 ширхэг, 20 гаруй нэр төрлийн зайрмаг үйлдвэрлэх хүчин чадалтай үйлдвэр байгуулжээ. “Итали зайрмаг” компани 15 төрлийн амт бүхий зайрмаг үйлдвэрлэдэг юм байна.
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In 2019, Ethereum Foundation employee Virgil Griffith was arrested by the US government for presenting at a blockchain conference in North Korea. He would later plead guilty to one count of conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act in 2021. EMAX- a token with absolutely no tokenomics or whitepaper has stolen the spotlight in recent times after emerging as the fastest crypto currency with a real world usage. This narrative was established on account of Fanmio declaring Ethereum Max to be a legitimate currency for the purchase of the Mayweather Logan Paul fight. The switch from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake on 15 September 2022 has cut Ethereum’s energy usage by 99%. However, the impact this has on global energy consumption and climate change may be limited since the computers previously used for mining ether may be used to mine other cryptocurrencies that are energy-intensive.
DOGE price has experienced large volatility over the past year, mainly fuelled by sentiment changes linked to influencer promotion. To help you track the changes in the current Dogecoin price, we integrated price charts from several sources. These will help you track the Dogecoin price history and improve your investment decisions.\n\nThe Dogecoin price chart has multiple filtering options, allowing you to adjust the data based on your preferences: The cryptocurrency is essentially a direct copy of Litecoin’s code and can be used to transfer value over the internet like all other digital assets. Doge was never designed to have any real-world utility beyond being a simple blockchain-based payment system; however, it quickly amassed a diehard community of fans who found and developed new use cases for it. Those included a third-party online tipping service, which led to doge becoming a leading tipping coin on social media platform Reddit and crowdfunding charitable causes using dogecoin.