мэдээ нийгэм

Хятад иргэн ахтайгаа нийлж монгол эхнэрээ зоджээ

БНХАУ-ын иргэн ахтайгаа нийлж манай улсын иргэнийг зодож хүнд гэмтээжээ. Хохирогч одоогоор Гэмтэл согог судлалын үндэсний төвд хэвтэн эмчлүүлж байгаа юм байна. Биеийн байдал нь одоогоор хүнд байгаа аж.

Чингэлтэй дүүрэгт оршин суух иргэн Т-ийн нөхөр нь түүнийг архидан согтуурах үедээ зодсон аж. Тэрээр монгол эхнэрээ төрсөн ахтайгаа нийлж зодсон байна.

Уг хэргийг цагдаагийн байгууллага шалгаж эхэлжээ.

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Our twenty-something testers gave top marks on this drugstore eye cream. After all all-night ragers, workplace stress, relationship drama—can all show up on even younger faces. Tired skin is usually dehydrated, which shows up as bags and dark circles. In your twenties, it’s important to keep the skin around your eyes well-hydrated. It could mean you look like you got 9 hours of sleep when you actually got three. Though our older testers said this eye cream wasn’t strong enough to address more severe dark circles and wrinkles. Eye masks or under-eye patches are a fun way to hydrate and smooth out the skin, and DRMTLGY’s Brightening Eye Masks do just that. The pink eye masks contain caffeine, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, aloe leaf extract, blueberry extract, watermelon extract, licorice extract, cucumber extract, peptides, seaweed extract, red algae extract and sunflower seed oil. Leave one pair of patches on for 10 to 15 minutes and pat the remaining serum into the skin once the masks have been removed. Use these daily or often as you want.
Annabelle Waterline Matte Kohl Eyeliner is a decent eyeliner. It’s not the very best option for tightlining, but it’s good enough and reviewers seem to like it. lavera Soft Eyeliner – Black 01 – Kajal Liner – Precise eyeliner – intensive and long-lasting color result – delicate texture for targeted application – natural cosmetics – vegan – organic (1 x 1 g) MULTI-USE LIQUID BLUSH AND BRONZER Poulami Nag is passionate about beauty and skincare products. Her review process involves extensive research to recommend only the best products to her readers. In this article, she has listed and reviewed the best under-eye rollers to soothe your skin. These products are made of premium-quality materials for long-lasting effect and safety. She has also included a comprehensive buying guide to help you compare the products easily and make an informed choice.

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