Улаанбаатар эдийн засгийн форум 2015 оноос хойш жил бүр “Улаанбаатар-хөрөнгө оруулалт” нэрийн дор зохион байгуулагдсаар иржээ. Энэ жилийн хувьд НЗДТГ-аас НИТХ, “Улаанбаатар хотын хөгжлийн корпораци” ХК, Улаанбаатар хотын худалдааны танхим, “Улаанбаатар” хөрөнгө оруулалт, менежментийн компани ХХК болон ШУ-ны академитай хамтран 2019 оны 06-р сарын 28-ны өдөр “Блю скай” зочид буудалд зохион байгуулагдана.
Энэ жилийн форум дээр Нийслэлийн харъяа байгууллагуудын хийсэн хотын нийгэм, эдийн засгийн судалгаа, тооцооллын үр дүнг олон нийтэд анх удаагаа нээлттэй танилцуулна. Үүнээс гадна эрдэм шинжилгээний байгууллагуудаас хийсэн шинжлэх ухааны үндэслэлтэй тооцоо судалгаанд суурилсан, нийгмийн өндөр үр өгөөж бүхий төслүүдийг төр, хувийн хэвшлийн түншлэлийн эдийн засгийн үр өгөөжтэй, бизнесийн харилцан ашигтай хамтын ажиллагааны зарчмаар хэрэгжүүлэх боломжийг танилцуулна. Түүнчлэн хувийн хэвшил, эрдэм шинжилгээнийн байгууллагуудын төслүүдийн танилцуулга, хамтын ажиллагааны хэлбэр, нөөц боломжуудын талаар хэлэлцэж, үзэсгэлэн зохион байгуулахаар болжээ.
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Richup.io – monopoly online It’s the middle of the 20th century and the world is rapidly changing. Machines are taking over many of the jobs that used to be done by people. This has caused a lot of unrest and there are a lot of people who are unemployed and unhappy. But not you! You are smart, you are skilled and with a little bit of dedication, you can earn money from playing video games. Even better, you don’t even have to play games yourself! You can place a wager on the outcome of any game and make money from the payout, whether you win or lose. Enter the world of Uno Online, a multiplayer card game that has been played for generations and will continue to be played long after you leave this. Hall of Fame Its a great game and easy to play for free against other players, but the communication is terrible. You have to choose from pre-selected words or phrases, like we’re on Club Penguin in 2009. The communication element prevents this from being a top game on the App Store. Implementing a mic option or messaging, for players who want to use it: instead of just pre-selected words or phrases: would take Uno to the next level. And they have the capability to do it.
This link provides a template for a printable “Superhero” upper- and lowercase letter match game. See example › (opens in a new window) 99Worksheets Spread the cards on the table or floor, and have your child match the horse and horseshoe with matching letters. Home » Crafts » Velcro Alphabet Matching Game You can also bring colors into the mix by using the color cards to play a similar matching game. In Big-Small match up, kids are supposed to match the uppercase letter with its respective lowercase letter. Please print off as many or as few as you would like as many times as you would like. If you find any errors or typos please let me know. Download is below. Squeaks loves the counting wheels I made and the alphabet wheel is pretty much the same setup. Colorful lowercase letters circle the wheel and she matches the corresponding uppercase letters to them using clothespins (bonus fine motor practice). The design is simple and that’s the way I like it. No need for distractions, but still fun and colorful. The uppercase and lowercase letters are color coordinated. This is helping her remember those tricky similar letters like b d and p q.