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Б.Мөнгөнчимэг, Б.Ганхайч эхний ялалтаа авлаа

Азербайжаны нийслэл Баку хотноо болж буй жүдо бөхийн дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн үргэлжилж байна. Өнөөдөр эрэгтэй 81, эмэгтэй 63 кг-ын жингийн барилдаанууд болох юм. Манай улаас эрэгтэйчүүдийн 81 кг-д олон улсын хэмжээний мастер О.Ууганбаатар, эмэгтэйчүүдийн 63 кг-д Б.Ганхайч, Б.Мөнгөнчимэг нар барилдаж байгаа юм. Одоогийн байдлаар Б.Ганхайч, Б.Мөнгөнчимэг нар эхний барилдаанаа хийж ялалт байгуулаад байна. Удахгүй О.Ууганбаатар эхний барилдаанаа хийнэ.

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Have you been struggling to get that glamorous, natural lash look? Eyelash extensions can be quite expensive and take up a lot of time. With our magnetic eyelashes kit for both men or women it is easy to achieve equal effects without spending too much money! Our new liquid formula contains more magnets than other kits on the market which will give your lashes thickness as well as length; plus they don’t fall out like others do after wearing them all day long- stronger holds mean no more embarrassment when removing these things from eyes at night (or during work). Fully updated design includes Premium Quality SinOf Detergent Fiber Lashes made especially by scientists who know what makes someone beautiful inside. Not all magnetic eyeliners are born equal. Unlike many other brands, we do not water down our eyeliner and shed no expense in our manufacturing process. Our unique formula has been tested time and time again against our competitors. We found that our eyeliner lasts an average of 6 hours longer than our competitors and stands up much better in winds and rain than traditional lash glue. You will frequently see other companies instructing you to put on 2 or 3 layers of liner. Our unique formula only requires 1 layer and still outperforms the competition.
Well, it’s a savvy eyeliner technique that make-up artists have been using since the 80s, tightlining is just like waterlining (drawing your eyeliner along your eye’s waterline), but just on the upper lashes instead. EDIT: but I do use pitch black on my upper tightline! Been using Nyx Slide On Waterproof pencils forever in Jet Black. Works great but still begins to feather into my inner eye area after several hours because of my watery allergy eyes. Trying Sephora Contour Matte pencil next! We are creating a self-care ecosystem that fuses safe beauty, hormonal health, eye nutrition, ocular hygiene and digital eye awareness — all told through the prism of your ÈYES Oops, that’s our mistake. Get your (beauty) fix here. It can be a tricky eyeliner technique to execute since the waterline is a sensitive place, but with the right application skills and the best eyeliner for your waterline, you can certainly do it. Below, learn the ins and outs of how to apply waterline eyeliner — and how to make it last.

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